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 Ultraviolet Skin Imaging System: UVSISTM

A recent video by Mr. Thomas Leveritt of New York called How the Sun Sees You has stimulated a great deal of interest in UV skin imaging.  In response to numerous customer inquiries, Oculus Photonics has introduced the UVSIS™, a “UV Mirror” that allows skin care professionals to assess sun damage of facial skin and to help clients practice proper application of sunscreen.  The UVSIS, or Ultraviolet Skin Imaging System enables people to visualize themselves with UV light, which makes hyperpigmentation sun damage very apparent, and makes sunscreen look like black paint!  The system consists of a UV camera module, a video monitor, and a pair of UV LED lamps to provide uniform lighting of the user's face.

Learn more about UVSIS by clicking here

Ultraviolet Forensics Imaging Systems

Oculus Photonics has developed novel tools for forensic investigators to examine crime scenes with invisible light. In the past, this was done with photographic film, and it was a difficult technique to master. Digital cameras and electronic imaging sensors make UV imaging a snap.

View UV Forensics Applications

SpectraScanner™, UVCorder™ and UVScanner™, hand-held ultraviolet imaging solutions

The UVCorder makes it possible to view scenes in the near-ultraviolet band and acquire digital video and stills quickly and easily.  It replaces awkward film-based camera systems in applications as diverse as forensics, camouflage detection, art conservation and biological research.

The UVScanner is a ruggedized active UV imaging system where portability and ease of handling is of primary concern and recording is of secondary importance.

Click on the Products link for product specifications, and on the Applications link to find out more about the images below.